Time is of the essence in live situations, so we have created a lot of shortcuts in our coding to save you time. There are no dials, just touch the time area and enter new time. No need to enter 2 numbers either, for eg. just enter 5 for 5 secs, not 05.
You can either store a time in the rundown or simply enter it into the timer and press start.
Count down to On Air. Simply press the blue on air space at the top of the rundown. This will bring to you the ‘Edit On Air Time’ screen. Type in the on air time in 24hr format. EG. 7.30pm is 19:30:00. Press ‘Save’ and it will automatically commence countdown to this time. Note that it uses the time from your Apple device. This is usually set the global time via the web, same as the Networks, though always perform a clock check with your Presentation department to double check. If you are a sec or so out, you can adjust your devices’s time. This can be adjusted through Apple Settings.
If you close the app and then re-open, your On Air Time will still be displayed but the countdown will have stopped. Simply go back into the Edit screen and press ‘save’ again for the countdown to commence.
Your app will calculate your Off Air Time and Total Running Duration for you, from your On Air Time. Just simply select the switch in the On Air Time. It will then add all the durations in your rundown to your On Air Time and give your Off Air Time (rundown). If you do not wish to have an item’s duration used to calculate the Off Air Time, simply just select off when you enter a new item in your rundown. Once you are On Air, it will then calculate the Off Air Time (calculated). This basically lets you know how over or under you are. When you press start on the timer for each item, it determines what time you started this item, compared to when it should have started, the TX Time in your rundown. It then displays whether you are over or under time in the top right of the timer. It will then calculate your expected Off Air Time.
If you want it to calculate this Off Air time continuously throughout the show, then leave this switch selected. Each time you adjust a duration whilst on air, it will automatically adjust your Off Air Time. It will also recalculate the start TX Times for each item. So note, you may not want it to change the TX Times, so you can tell how over or under we are from the original rundown.
You can either import a new rundown from a .csv file, see this link http://tvprodapps.com/tvprodtimer-pro-import-file/ or you can enter the rundown manually, direct into your device. Click "+" to go to the edit/Add details Enter your Item No. Type in the description (up to a max of 20 spaces) Enter your time. Just press tap on the appropriate section. Either secs, mins or hrs. Select if you want to include this time in your Rundown Calculations. For eg. You have a 5 minute interview. So you would enter an item, so Item no 3, is your 5 minute interview. You select this to include this 5 minutes in the overall duration and calculate for the Off Air Time. Though you have 2 VT Overlays that are rolled in as part of the interview, and therefore these times should not be added to the overall duration and off air time. So create 2 extra items for these overlays as they can be timed separately whilst the main interview timers keeps going. Ensure to just unselect the switch for these extra overlay items, so the durations are not included. Press Save and will take you back to the rundown screen. Your new item will be placed at the bottom of your rundown. If you don't want to add anything, just press cancel and you will return to rundown with nothing saved. Repeat this for all items of your rundown.
Timer Pro makes it very easy to edit or move rows very quickly. To move a row, just hold the row for approx 1 sec and then slide your finger to where you want the row to be inserted. That's it. All done. It will automatically save your new rundown and location of your newly moved row. If you need to scroll whilst moving a row, we find it easiest to move the row to the bottom of your device, then release and scroll the view, then rehold your row and move again. To edit the time or description, just click on the 'EDIT' button and it will take you to the Edit/Add Details screen. Amend what is required and then press save. It will overwrite the edited row. Perfect for any last minute changes whilst on air. All edit and row re-orders can be done whilst the timer is running. Except for the current TX row. This is locked and cannot be moved, however you can move all other rows around it. So if something changes whilst you are counting down a VT, no problem, keep an eye on the duration by leaving the TX/Timer screen on your right and then change rundown on your left To delete a row, just swipe left. Though this cannot be undone.
Whilst in rundown, highlight the row you wish to send to the Timer. Press the right chevron. You will then see this time appear on the TX/Timer Screen, with the heading changing to the description from your row. Then press 'Start' and it will commence countdown. The timer will also appear on the Item row in the Rundown. This is now the active row and will change to red. For safety this active row, or any other row with a timer running, are now locked, and cannot be moved or deleted until the timer has completed or your press stop. You can send multiple timers to the timer and have them all running at the same time. These various times will be shown in the rundown row. Whilst you countdown your item, we have included a very handy small timer to count up. This is displayed at the bottom of your timer. This enables you to count to various items within the item. eg. Supers/Lower 3rds, graphics, upsots, voiceovers etc. Coloured rows will keep you guided. RED is your current timer that you are viewing in the timer LIGHTER RED are other timers running TAN is your selected row, for edit, move, delete etc. BLUE On Air Timer.
The timer is automatically set to CountDown mode, unless you explicity tell it to count up, by moving the 'Stopwatch' slider to on. However if you send another time from the Rundown it will reset to Countdown. This is a safeguard so you don't forget to change the 'Stopwatch' back to off. If you wish for something in your rundown to Countup, instead of Countdown, just set your time in your rundown item to zero. When you transfer this row to the Timer, it will automatically detect to commence counting up. This ideal for interviews etc.
If Roll On Slider is on, then when the current timer has reached zero, it will automatically continue timing the next item in the rundown. This will continue to the end of your rundown, or until an item has this selected to off. Switchable at anytime, if whilst the item is already started timing.
Our Quick Time Save feature is ideal for keeping track of times in Rehearsals. Whilst in either Countdown or StopWatch mode, press Save on the Timer Screen, and it will save the time displayed. This will appear on the bottom of your rundown, centered with no description.
Very useful for timing various items in rehearsals as you can keep track of the durations to different parts in a segment. Just find the time and then press 'edit' to enter a description then save back into your rundown.
We don’t believe in any flashing lights or audio distractions whilst on air, so we have a subtle visual cue to alert you that time is ending. At 30 secs the text colour will change to blue and at 15 secs the text will change to red.